Thursday, April 1, 2010

Toowoomba Travels, Big Blindside

Hello all,

Right now I am heading along the highway, along with all the other Easter traffic, the head up to Toowoomba for this ‘long weekend’. For clarification I am NOT driving so you can all not panic and wonder why the heck I would be typing while I am driving. Although I am amazingly multi-talented so an amazing act like that would not be abnormal for me.

I am heading up to Easterfest which is a music festival that happens every year at Easter and has awesome music, great activities and fantastic people. It is an event I thoroughly recommend you go to, yes you. This will be my 9th or 10th year; haven’t quite worked that one out just yet, but still, it’s long.

I’m sure I’ll ramble on about the goings on of the festival later in another blog but for now I want to talk about Survivor, just for a little while I promise. Well, it depends on your definition of little.

Last episode of Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains was a cracker. Hold on, who says cracker? It was crazy. For all those who did not watch because you are either –

A) A A) Boring.

B) B B) Think you are way too cool for such an amazing show

C) C C) You had too much to do (Whatever! Make time next time!) , or

D) D) You do not know what Survivor is because you have been living in an igloo the past 20 years and it has only just recently melted due to global warming and has forced you out into the big wide world with so much as snow boots and the smell of fish on your wooly self.

Well, let’s recap shall we? It was a double tribal council where decided “Hey, why don’t we all have tribal council tonight and kick a person off from each tribe yeah?” Then the tribes grumbled and moaned and then competed in a challenge for Individual Immunity. Candice won from the Heroes tribe. Candice who? Yeah, I know right. Candice is from The Cook Islands season. The same season Parvati originally came from. She’s a bit of an unknown so it is very weird to me that she’s there, but I’m not Jeff, I don’t make the rules. Although sometimes I wish I was but that’s another story. Boston Rob won from the Villains tribe. Then both competed, representing their tribes, to gain food. Boston Rob won that one which, really, was no competition.

Russell and (I’m going to call him Bob) Bob have been having it out for each other since the beginning, fighting over who is the better player. Pretty much like cave men fighting over who is the leader of the tribe. Hold on, they are fighting to be the leader of the tribe. Russell holds the hidden immunity idol and has an alliance with Parvati and Danielle. Bob has an alliance with everyone else. So therefore Bob looks to be in control and he conjures up an idea to get rid of the idol and, in turn, see off one of the people from Russell’s alliance, preferably him. Split the vote, 3 for Parvati and 3 for Russell. Easy. Done. One of them would be gone because the 3 votes that the Russell alliance would have going to Tyson will only tie the vote. When that happens, there is a revote and that would mean that Bob’s alliance would have the upper hand.

Before tribal council Russell goes up to Tyson and tells him that he believes he cannot do anything to save Parvati and, it will be sad to see her go, but he’s going to vote for her. There’s nothing he can do to save her. Tyson agreed. He tells Russell that he’ll be voting for her too now. So therefore he decides to change his vote from Russell to Parvati.

Tribal council comes. Russell looks to use his idol on himself but instead then decides to give it to Parvati to use. This then makes all votes for Parvati not count. Votes are read. 4 votes Parvati….2 votes Russell….2 votes Tyson…1 vote left. Final vote goes to Tyson. As his torch is snuffed out Bob looks puzzled as to what just happened. Tyson, in effect, voted himself out because he changed his vote. Dumb move by Tyson. Awesome move by Russell. Great tribal council. Here is the video of the whole thing. The Ultimate Blindside.

Heroes were boring. They sent the injured James home due to his bad knee. Good move. Should’ve happened before Tom was voted out.

Now I already know the list of people who are going to be booted out so I’m not going to say much more about next episode but it’ll be great. I assure you. I apologise about the length of this ramble. I just love this show.

Thank you all for paying such good attention. I shall bring you another blog after Easterfest is over. Thanks for reading.

Peace out.

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